Do not allow yourself to worry over lousy overreactions to your opinion, of which you are rightfully entitled. You have tons of other things to think about other than what others think of you and how you might appear to them. If you do so, you are giving these people the means to become popular. Everybody wants to be talked about and in the process you are giving these people the very thing that they want.
Engineering is a tough course (not the toughest for others already claimed the tough spot. But to quote Janina, it came from one of the tough ten) and it requires (among all other things) FOCUS. When you are distracted from your work, buildings may collapse, factories may explode or airplanes may crash. The fabric of the world as humans made it may wear and tear and find us all helpless, if not inexistent. Distraction gives birth to mistakes, and all engineers who take the oath of accuracy treat error susceptibility as a malady, much like the allergen to their allergy.