Sunday, July 24, 2011

To the few who have taste


I have a couple of announcements to make concerning you, my dear readers. ( Who still haven't found a way to overthrow my blackmails so you could sever your ties to readership of my blog.)

I have managed, despite my esteemed reputation of barely passing CSC 101, to spice up my blog and incorporate the like button and comments section from Facebook. That is, you can now like any of my posts (or dislike if you will but hey keep it to yourself) by simply hitting the Like button appearing after the title. Likewise, you can post comments at the end of every post.

Words of caution: First, you must have a Facebook account and logged in. (I factor this in because although it may sound highly improbable, there are netizens out there without a Facebook account. Example: Jessica Zafra.) Second, the plug-ins do not appear in the homepage. You must go to the post itself by clicking on its title.

I would like to thank for the codes and the instructions. Still, I must say I have to congratulate myself. Digging into the HTML code was quite a feat. I guess proofreading training back in high school journalism proved eventually useful.

Enjoy reading!

JanMell, who just bought himself The Geek Atlas: 128 Places Where Science and Technology Come Alive by John Graham-Cumming

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