Monday, October 1, 2012

Our blog sponsors spelling bee event

Last September 28 the Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineering Students (IIEES) MSU-IIT Chapter conducted a spelling bee competition and their president, Jeffrel Hermias invited us to sponsor the event, that is, serve as the quizmaster. We gladly accepted the offer. This is the first time that our blog sponsored a literary event and we were very excited. This serves as an affirmation of our purpose why we made this blog: to promote reading as a way to make more people informed and eradicate ignorance. Furthermore, we needed an avenue to promote our blog and we think this is just perfect.

 We have a book in our collection entitled The Mercury Visions of Louis Daguerre. Just saying. 

As prize, we gave away one of the books in our collection, Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies and the Future of Human Intelligence by Andy Clark to the champion, Ms. April Faith Manabat, a fourth year Electrical Engineering student. We think this might be an interesting read for an aspiring electrical engineer.

Congratulations to all of us. We hope to sponsor events such as these in the future. We believe engineering students do not fall behind in terms of literary skills but such hasty generalization exists. Thus we must work hand in hand to dispel that idea. Let us make them eat our literary dust.

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