Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A few reminders.

There are some things I must remind myself of.

First,  most of the time the problems we have with other people are actually problems we have with ourselves. In introspect, it is not actually the other person's actions that is making you uncomfortable but it is your attitude, your reaction, and your paranoia that is causing all the distress. Thus, before condemning others by attributing to them the error and fault of the circumstances, ascertain first where the true problem lies. It could be within your area of responsibility and burden pushing other parties might lead to irreparable consequences. If you found out that it is your fault, then rejoice. The easiest mistake to correct is the one you have committed, for you have no control of others' errors but you have full control and responsibility of yourself.

Second, there are a lot of people who may be friendly to you but these people are not your friends. They may have shared a life story or two and you may have told them of yours, but these people ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. Within a short period of time that you've spent getting to know each other, cracking jokes and sharing laughter, exchanging pointless text messages, dining and drinking, these people cannot become your friends. Oftentimes, friendship is an excruciatingly slow process and it is this fact that makes your friends recognize your value, in contrast to mere acquaintances whose judgment of your esteem proves ephemeral. After all, who could care to lose something of negligible worth? Hence, do not expect these people to come instantly to your aid, come with you for no apparent reason, knock at your door at an unexpected time, or demand from you other than what they need. Simply put, do not expect these people to care. That being so, do not bug yourself with fears of losing their company and favor-- something they know too well.

Third, the opinion of others regarding you is the last thing you should worry about. This is simply because everybody can think what they want to think or say what they want to say and there's really nothing you could do about that except to steer your life in your chosen direction. A person living a truly fulfilling life is a person who is never moved by either criticism or praise. Like the people who does charity with joy, they do not wish to be acknowledged or their works publicized because the joy they have in giving is already their token of appreciation and reward. Unless otherwise you are in show business or in politics, public opinion should not malign you. Others may vilify your credibility, but in the end it is you who can prove them right or wrong.

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