Saturday, April 23, 2011

Everything wolf-like.

It was a good idea to watch The Red Riding Hood instead of Catch Me I'm In Love although I admit that I wanted to watch the latter so I can fall of my chair because of cheesiness. It turned out that the detective story woven into a children's classic to deliver a more mature and absorbing plot revolves around the task of figuring out who the wolf (with the big eyes, big ears and big teeth all the more to see, hear and eat you, my child) is. 

The movie went on hinting on characters that you think might be the wolf. It was all simultaneous that you can think a pack of wolves exist and not just one. And of course, in the comfort of our seats, we were all too busy guessing just who it might be. The main character, played by Amanda Seyfried, offers the best clue to the wolf's identity. I even thought that the twist would reveal in the end that she herself is the wolf. Apparently, she can talk to the wolf and they understand each other. That rendered my guess implausible. Moreover, the story went on pointing to  her two lovers or grandmother as the wolf. One of my friends said it's the other lover. No, it's the other one. And towards the end of the movie: Aynyuwet, it's the grandmother!

But a bunch of engineering students were all WRONG.

The wolf it turns out, is Amanda's father. And the reason why they understand each other is because they are kin. His father is trying to pass his "power" to the next generation. At first, it was her older sister but then she cannot understand his message, which revealed that he was in fact not her daughter. This got her killed, accidentally though. So it was Amanda who bore the onus of their clan. But she clearly didn't want it. So, from a peaceful conversation with her father, convincing her to accept the power, the lover comes in to save the damsel in distress and entered into a fight with him. Of course the wolf was stronger, even in human form but he is a weakling to argentum. Yes, silver-- from the nails of the dismembered hand of the pastor who volunteered to head the village hunt against the wolf that Amanda brought along with him to her Grandma's cabin. (She too, thought it was Grandma.)

She killed the wolf successfully, but in the commotion her father bit her lover and passed on the curse to him. From then on she gets visits from a wolf, rides on a wolf, explores the nighttime with a wolf and probably get to do it with a wolf. Damn, all I want to say is 'Bongga ang sex life ng babaeng ito!I guess the scenes in the ending blurted out, " And they lived happily ever after."

Fairy tales, indeed.

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