Saturday, April 23, 2011

Everything wolf-like.

It was a good idea to watch The Red Riding Hood instead of Catch Me I'm In Love although I admit that I wanted to watch the latter so I can fall of my chair because of cheesiness. It turned out that the detective story woven into a children's classic to deliver a more mature and absorbing plot revolves around the task of figuring out who the wolf (with the big eyes, big ears and big teeth all the more to see, hear and eat you, my child) is. 

The movie went on hinting on characters that you think might be the wolf. It was all simultaneous that you can think a pack of wolves exist and not just one. And of course, in the comfort of our seats, we were all too busy guessing just who it might be. The main character, played by Amanda Seyfried, offers the best clue to the wolf's identity. I even thought that the twist would reveal in the end that she herself is the wolf. Apparently, she can talk to the wolf and they understand each other. That rendered my guess implausible. Moreover, the story went on pointing to  her two lovers or grandmother as the wolf. One of my friends said it's the other lover. No, it's the other one. And towards the end of the movie: Aynyuwet, it's the grandmother!

But a bunch of engineering students were all WRONG.

The wolf it turns out, is Amanda's father. And the reason why they understand each other is because they are kin. His father is trying to pass his "power" to the next generation. At first, it was her older sister but then she cannot understand his message, which revealed that he was in fact not her daughter. This got her killed, accidentally though. So it was Amanda who bore the onus of their clan. But she clearly didn't want it. So, from a peaceful conversation with her father, convincing her to accept the power, the lover comes in to save the damsel in distress and entered into a fight with him. Of course the wolf was stronger, even in human form but he is a weakling to argentum. Yes, silver-- from the nails of the dismembered hand of the pastor who volunteered to head the village hunt against the wolf that Amanda brought along with him to her Grandma's cabin. (She too, thought it was Grandma.)

She killed the wolf successfully, but in the commotion her father bit her lover and passed on the curse to him. From then on she gets visits from a wolf, rides on a wolf, explores the nighttime with a wolf and probably get to do it with a wolf. Damn, all I want to say is 'Bongga ang sex life ng babaeng ito!I guess the scenes in the ending blurted out, " And they lived happily ever after."

Fairy tales, indeed.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Help yourself to a really terrible day.

It is what we call hiding in plain sight: the truth that humanity is overly dependent on electricity. In fact, this truth has become so ordinary and obvious that we do not mind. No one asks questions. But what if, one day, all devices and contraptions that run on electricity suddenly shut down and become inutile?

Anelectromagnetic bomb, or e-bomb, is a weapon designed to take advantage of this dependency. But instead of simply cutting off power in an area, an e-bomb would actually destroy most machines that use electricity. Generators would be useless, cars wouldn't run, and there would be no chance of making a phone call. In a matter of seconds, a big enough e-bomb could thrust an entire city back 200 years or cripple a military unit.

Read the full article here. 

Monday, April 4, 2011


Because JanMell would graduate, he would like to thank:
1. his power Plant Design groupmates Sheila, Russil and Jade. Especially Sheila, Russil and Jade. Without the three of them, he would never graduate. He believes that the best group to join would have to be the group where you can have the least contribution and your design would still be completed. He found that group in those three amazing people. He owes them a lot of money and gratitude. This part includes their printers, PCs and unrelenting patience for his lack of cooperation for reasons that range from livelihood to drinking sprees.
2. his extended family. They have been his constant reminder aside from the patabaing baboy, accumulating debts and cash flow problems that he should not give up and strive to graduate. Moreover, Imelda and Eric are so proud. He can’t disappoint them. They’ve practically told the whole neighbourhood that their firstborn will finish his bachelor’s degree with flying colors. His two brothers, John Michael and Paul Joseph and many a cousin need a luxury Kuya and his aunts, particularly Merle, Charity, Juvy, Grace, and Beverly need a trip around the world. He can’t fail them. The financial support they have provided to the point of depriving themselves will make this sheet of paper drenched in tears if he contemplates about it too much.
3. his inspirations. Chocolate, balut, ice cream and yes, fastfood chains. They have made every waking day tolerable. The prospect of eating always gets him going. He would like to single out McDo and Greenwich for being so delicious. And speaking of delicious, he would like to thank someone for being his inspiration. (Oh puhleease. Not two. The other one is an expiration).
(The thought of you makes him trip and stumble and your presence incites clumsiness. But he likes it. In your honor, he named his break-even analysis graph after you.)
4. Jessica Zafra and the iconic, Regine Velasquez whose blog and videos respectively have kept him awake during moments when he doesn’t know what to do and yet cannot find the audacity to sleep lest his group mates would throttle him. (Given of course that an internet connection exists.)
5. his friends. They taught him to party, emaciate a poor videoke machine, and get inebriated in between deadlines. Soo fake barkada for being true to their name. Special mention to Bernaden, who can tolerate his nagging and cravings for any food that comes to his mind. She says he’s just sexually deprived. He says it takes one to know one.  
6. Malu, for being a constant reminder that he will always have a friend no matter what.
7. his netbook whose name would incite anarchy if mentioned. It rises beyond utility and rests above high esteem, despite its price. Ha ha.
8. Engr. Ronald Bual (Ron!), Engr. Vergil Aleria (Verj!), Engr. Edmark S. Icalina (Fled!), Engr. Rodel Guerrero (Rodel!), Engr. Ralf Ruffel M. Abarca (Barcs!), Engr. Arniel Ching O. Dizon (Ching!), Engr. Dexter J. Navales (D’King!), Engr. Kristine Grace Bama (Tin!) and Prof. Rosalinda C. Balacuit (Rose???), Chairman, ChE/MetE/CerE Department, College of Engineering (whew!) and to all his teachers. Without their immense patience for his despicable character, he would not be able to get relatively wonderful grades, let alone pass.
9. Ate Malou, Kuya Chang and Uncle Pitman. Without their kindness, he would have been nowhere and hungry. During the hardest of times, they showed compassion to his struggles and they never questioned nor expected anything in return. It is the kind of genuine kindness he can never regard as memories. It keeps itself fresh and vivid. He was literally adopted by them. He could never thank them enough.
10. Christian Saguin and family for the succulent dinners, the surprising bonuses, and most importantly for regarding him as someone important. They have been a blessing to his life in more ways and another.
11. Ate Rica. Without her and her patience for accumulating debts and delayed payments, he would find himself kicking tin cans in the street and stitching garbage in his clothes. Not only does he owe Ate Rica his latest meal, but also his graduation.
12. Nanay Azon and family for generosity, patience and kindness. It would be preposterous to say that he would return all their favors because the magnanimity of it renders that impossible. His whole family is indebted to them yet they never remind them of it.
13. his former boardmates. The Limbago brothers, Jade, John Eric, Justin and the Gallardo sisters, Charise and Charmaine. Boarding life would have been insufferable without their company.
14. ChEpaPervs for reasons they already know.
15. his friend, the Renaissance painter, for an unknown reason.
(Somehow, he cannot end this without including you. But that doesn’t change the fact that he hates you.)
16. himself and his other selves for going beyond the limits of his intelligence and surviving Engineering, for not giving in to DOTA, endless movie marathons, or the temptation of the overpass. They should make a lot of certificates. They will all graduate cum laude.
17. everyone who in any way, minuscule or ginormous, have helped him achieve his goals. You are only too many and he may not be able to name you here, but there is no posting limit in his awareness. He will always be grateful. In moments when he apparently forgets, don't worry .You are all in his subconscious where, in principle, nothing is forgotten.
And oh,
17. God. 

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