Friday, June 11, 2010

Typically Him

Me: What do you call this? (Pointing to a figure on the bedsheet of a friend.)
Him: ummmm...
After 1 min..)
Him: Seal. That's a seal. (
After probably choosing between sea cows, dugongs, and manatees)
(Raising my eyebrows in agreement) And what do you call a seal's offspring?
Him: Still a seal?
(on a sarcastic tone..)
Me: Duh. I mean a young seal?
Him: A baby seal!
(on an even more sarcastic tone..)
Me: Wanna die?
Him: Dunno.
Ano nga ba?
Me: (Feeling superior, as If i know something of cosmic significance.) It's called a pup!
Him: Oh really???? Thank you for that NUGGET OF WISDOM!
(this time, sarcasm is superlative..)

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